Tag - Syste-versioned tables

Speaking at SQLSaturday Belgrade

I’m proud to announce that I will present at SQLSaturday Belgrade on November 28th, 2015. In SQL Server 2016 Microsoft has decided to implement system-versioned temporal tables according to the SQL-2011 standard and my session on this conference is dedicated to it. The session name is “Temporal Tables in SQL Server 2016”.

beogradThis will be first SQLSaturday conference in Belgrade and I am really honored to present in the city where I spent the most important time of my life. Belgrade has a lot attractions to offer for all ages and tastes and I would highly recommend you to visit the event and the city.

My Session

In my session I will discuss about temporal data support in current database systems and how SQL 2011 finally defined what vendors need to implement in order to support temporal data in relational databases.

In the second part of the session I will explain how system-time tables work and demonstrate how to design and implement solutions for common use cases where temporal tables are required.

 The Event

SQL Saturday Belgrade has 14 sessions in 2 tracks and 14 international speakers. The event scheduler you can see here.

The conference starts actually on Friday 27th with two whole-day seminars. Details should be available soon.

See you in Belgrade!