
Mastering SQL Server 2017: Build smart and efficient database applications for your organization with SQL Server 2017, Packt Publishing, August 2019

This is a book about leveraging the power of SQL Server 2017 and SSIS to build data integration solutions. The other authors are Dejan Sarka, William Durkin, Christian Coté and Matija Lah. I wrote the chapters about temporal tables, exchange JSON data between applications and SQL Server and miigration historical data to Microsoft Azure by using Stretch Database.

You can order this book on the Packt web site or on Amazon.

SQL Server 2017 Developer’s Guide, Packt Publishing, March 2018

This is a comprehensive guide to learn and discover development and advanced features in SQL Server 2017. The other authors are Dejan Sarka and William Durkin. I wrote the chapters: Transact-SQL and Database Engine Enhancements, JSON Support in SQL Server, Stretch Database, Temporal Tables and Query Store.

You can order this book on the Packt web site or on Amazon.

SQL Server 2016 Developer’s Guide, Packt Publishing, March 2017

This is a comprehensive guide to learn and discover development and advanced features in SQL Server 2016. The other authors are Dejan Sarka and William Durkin. I wrote the chapters: Transact-SQL Enhancements, JSON Support in SQL Server, Stretch Database, Temporal Tables and Query Store.

You can order this book on the Packt web site or on Amazon.