Tag - SQLSat

The Schedule of SQL Saturday Vienna 2015 Is Live!

sqlsat374_webThe schedule of SQL Saturday #374 Vienna is live! It was a tough process to select from all these wonderful submissions! Unfortunatly we could not host all speakers, but we decided to limit number of selected sessions per speaker to one in order to get more speakers in Vienna.

Here you can see the complete line-up. The session timing is subject of change, but all sessions are confirmed.

I am proud and glad that I can announce two top pre-conference seminars at the PASS SQL Saturday #374 Vienna conference:

Both seminars will take place on Friday, 27th February 2015, the day before our event, at Microsoft Austria, Am Europlatz 3, A-1120 Vienna.

There is an early bird registration rate (109,oo €) available through the end of January and seating is limited, so sign up now and save!  The regular rate is 149,oo € will be charged in February.